I’ve been doing a lot of driving lately - a lot - and I’ve been listening to audiobooks to make the most of the time. So far I’m still on my first month free trial with audible and I’ve only listened to books included within the membership. So I’ve paid nothing. These are my favourite two so far. I’ve listened to the first one twice and I’ll be listening to the second one again.
Thich Nhat Hahn - No mud, no lotus: the art of transforming suffering
Anam Thubten - No self, no problem: awakening to our true nature
If you haven’t read (or listened to) these books I would strongly recommend them. Some of the core themes are:
- learning to live fully in the present moment
- acceptance of what is
- suffering is inevitable and necessary for growth
- noticing thoughts, feelings, sensations, desires, drives without judgement
- acting with intent from our values
- letting go - nothing is permanent
- self acceptance and self compassion
- self is an illusion, not what we are
- cultivating gratitude
I’m finding the ideas transformative. If you’ve read these books, or decide to give either of them a go, I’d love to hear about your experience.