Last year friend and colleague Al Coates and I wrote a parenting course for a local authority to use as their default training for parents who need/want help meeting their children’s needs and keeping them safe.
Tailored to the local demographic, it’s currently running in four venues across Sunderland and today we had the privilege of watching two skilled practitioners deliver session four: family values, expectations, and boundaries.
It’s a no-blame-no-shame, relationship-focused, approach to helping families to navigate the ups and downs of family life and to find a safe way through the more challenging times. There’s five core sessions then two extra for parents of children with SEND and a further two for parents of children who express themselves and their needs using violence and aggression.
Thinking about consistently offering 'good enough' as parents. Looking at the nervous system. Considering values. Understanding our own behaviour as well as our children’s behaviour. Avoiding reliance on rewards and consequences and looking instead at problem solving together and building resilience. Keeping children and young people safer outside the home (contextual safeguarding). Self care and support.
As parents we love our children and want to do our best. Sometimes we need help. It’s a privilege being part of that help for the parents of Sunderland.